Brown-Nose (拍馬屁) vs. Being nice (友好)

人生如戲, 戲如人生. 拍馬屁古今中外皆然.

I have worked in US for many years, I noticed that brown-nose is also existing in western society instead of in Chinese society.


Brown nosing gets its name from a rather rude, even if appropriate, source. Kissing up or sucking up to a boss, especially in a very obvious and shallow manner, can also be called kissing the boss’ butt.

From URL,  it describes more detailed information about Brown-Nose

Brown-nose noun and verb are both first attested in America in a military context in the late 1930s. However, parallel expressions are found centuries earlier. The common kiss (someone’s) ass ‘curry favor with someone in a degrading manner’ is recorded in the mid-eighteenth century–in Smollett, no less–and ass-kisser is also found in the eighteenth century.

Despite the scatological inspiration of the term brown-nose, it is not considered to be very vulgar or offensive. Some people, unaware or unsure of its origin, don’t consider it offensive at all, but at worst I would say that it is only mildly offensive. It is definitely slang, though, so may not be appropriate in many circumstances. See the following picture for the today’s  Brown-Nosing.


Except for the usage of Brown-Nose, people also use “Apple polisher” or “Flattery” for Chinese “拍馬屁”.

Being nice

Being nice is not difficult, but it needs some polishing for others to realize your effort. A smile on your face makes others smile also. A kind word to someone, or holding a door open to the person who is about to enter, is really easy to do, and in the long run will make you happy also.

Being nice instead of brown nosing will make us more attractive.

Cheer !!!

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